Our History

The Lions Club was established in 1917 by Chicago businessman Melvin Jones with the idea of business professionals pooling their energy, talent, and resources toward the service of others. Today, Lions Club International (LCI) is the world’s largest service club with close to 1.4 million members. The Lions motto, “We Serve,” reflects commitment of service to the world, our country, our state, and our community. Lions Club International is committed to assisting the visually impaired and supporting sight conservation around the world. Lions Clubs seek to improve the lives of the needy and offer our members the chance to catch the spirit of service.
Southport Lions Foundation was established in 1945 by a group of concerned citizens who wished to follow the ideas and principles of Lions Club International. Today, Southport Lions Club has over 50 members (women and men) and continues to grow and serve the residents of Southport, North Carolina (and surrounding areas) in a wide variety of ways. In addition to supporting the visually impaired, we raise funds to provide assistance to numerous local charities and worthwhile organizations. We also stress support for educational opportunities and assistance for area students. Southport Lions Club has been, continues, and will always be a dedicated staple of the Community of Southport.