Services We Support
Creating New Visions

Brighter Visions
Southport Lions budget a fixed amount of funds to be used for assisting those in need within our community who have vision problems, including seniors undergoing much-needed cataract surgery. This program involves the support of generous optometrists and opticians who are willing to reduce their normal rates to assist us.
Recycle for Sight
Many people have eyeglasses that no longer have the correct prescription but whose frames and other parts are still in good shape. Instead of throwing them away, donating old glasses is a viable option. We offer numerous drop-off locations throughout the community to recycle used eyeglasses and hearing aids.
Camp Dogwood
Located on Lake Norman in a large picturesque cove — this summer destination serves as a wonderful and therapeutic vacation retreat. Its mission is to provide a week of fun and fellowship to any resident of North Carolina with blindness or visual impairment between the ages of 18-100+ years.
Sight-First Screenings
SightFirst enables Lions and local health care providers to fight the major causes of preventable and reversible blindness. We strive to increase awareness of the importance of eye health by providing free, accessible visual screenings to both children and adults using the most up-to-date technologies, devices, and procedures.
North Carolina V.I.P. Fishing Tournament
This 3‑day event attracts numerous visually‑impaired persons, sighted guests, and volunteers to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The tournament also provides fellowship among the participants, educational, recreational, and personal growth opportunities.
Leader Dogs for the Blind
These programs are designed to provide the blind or visually impaired with the tools and training to reintroduce them to a life of confidence, safety, and independence. From white cane training to matching individuals with their Leader Dog — all services are free of charge.
New Hope Clinic
This facility, run by dedicated and caring professionals, was established over 20 years ago to provide free healthcare services to adults in Brunswick County who lack adequate insurance. Southport Lions Club sponsors free eye screenings to patients at regularly scheduled times.Services We Support
Youth Initiatives

South Brunswick High School College Scholarships
We support the funding of a number of scholarships that benefit deserving, college-bound youth. These programs offer tuition money to students who might not ordinarily be able to go to college, including those that are hearing or visually impaired. To qualify, student applicants are required to meet and maintain certain criteria.
Boys & Girls Homes of North Carolina
This organization offers a one-of-a-kind educational environment. The 140-acre campus is situated in the heart of Lake Waccamaw and includes a vibrant pecan orchard and a working farm. It attempts to build self-esteem, responsibility, and character in their residents — teaching them to develop and use their strengths in positive ways.
Captain Charlie’s Children’s Fishing Tournament
This delightful, fun-filled fishing tournament, operated by the Southport Department of Parks and Recreation, is held annually. The event is free and open to boys and girls 16 years old and younger (with their families). Prizes are awarded to participants in various categories including “largest fish” and “most fish caught.”
Matthew’s Ministry
During the school year on weekends, when school breakfast and lunch programs are not available — many needy children in Brunswick County go hungry. Matthew’s Ministry acquires food contributions and delivers the items to local schools. The donated food is then placed into students’ backpacks to take home.Services We Support
Community Outreach

Southport / Oak Island Interchurch Fellowship Food Pantry
This organization — comprised of area churches representing various denominations — works collectively to help needy families and individuals in the community who go without proper food on a daily basis.
Southport, Inc.
This nonprofit organization is dedicated to preserving the heritage, charm and vibrancy of downtown Southport. Members of DSI encourage and support preservation projects, cultural activities, educational programs, and tourism, as well as responsible economic growth.

Southport Cares
The mission of Southport Cares is to assist victims and citizens in need that the city’s police, fire, and EMS first responders have come across through calls for emergency service. It brings community organizations (like Southport Lions Club) together, to let the victims know they have support in times of need.
North Carolina Maritime Museum Southport
The museum’s mission is to collect, preserve and interpret material and culture pertinent to the maritime history of the Lower Cape Fear region. The Lions Club helps to fund new tactile maps for visitors who have low vision or total blindness.